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4281 — Saytel recibe dos premios de la mano de IBM
La compañía proveedora de soluciones tecnológicas para los procesos de negocio perteneciente al...
4280 — Netgear, reconocida como mejor marca de redes de datos por los usuarios de Casadomo
El proveedor mundial de soluciones de redes de alto rendimiento para PYMES y usuario final,...
4279 — Susana Cantón se incorpora a Magirus
Susana Cantón se ha incorporado a la plantilla de Magirus, proveedor líder de soluciones e...
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59 — Contacts – Board, Editors and Portal`s Newsrooms
Managing Director Manuel Melo E-mail: E-mail Internacional: Mobile Phone: + 351 966 555 000 Mobile...
1632 — 1 in 5 British Consumers Buy Software from Spam
Over 90% of UK online consumers receive spam and although only 23% of it is read, more than one in five British consumers (22%) has purchased software through spam, a...
1631 — Hosted Contact Center Offerings are Ready for Prime Time, by Donna Fluss
The hosted contact center or contact center on demand (CCOD) market has risen from relative obscurity to front page news in the past couple of months. This markets...
1630 — Selling Voice Solutions to the Healthcare Industry, by Datamonitor
The research firm Datamonitor has issued recently a report that highlights the aggressive growth of voice business in the healthcare vertical market, in the North...
1629 — Stephen E. Dellutri, Cjief Technology Officer, CosmoCom
Banco de Imagens - Daily Picture Banco de Imagens-Geral
1628 — RFID Technology and Consumer Privacy
The use of RFID (radio frequency identification) Technology, still at a very early stage, in Europe, is expected to grow phenomenally in the coming years. According to...
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