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Regulação de Centros Telefónicas
Publicações Recentes
4124 — APDC abre a cortina do 16º Congresso das Comunicações
A APDC apresentou hoje, em Lisboa, o 16º Congresso das Comunicações que se irá realizar nos...
4123 — Netcall apresenta nova solução VoIP
A Netcall apresentou o Webdialer, uma ferramenta, assente na tecnologia VoIP, que permite a...
4122 —
A Netcall apresentou o Webdialer, uma ferramenta que permite a utilização de um site, empresarial...
Mantenha-se a par das nossas últimas publicações.
446 — Customers and agents the weakest links in CRM an insight on Vocalis report
UK businesses are not taking advantages of the opportunities presented by contact centres to support their brands and build customer loyalty. Rather, they are...
445 — The man who set up the language for UK call centre industry
Steve Morrell decided to embrace ContactBabel project in January 2000, when the hyped-up technological frenzy was about to plummet. Nevertheless the project was settled...
444 — W3C issues VoiceXML 2.0 as a candidate recommendation
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has just issued VoiceXML 2.0, a protocol for voice applications on the World Wide Web. VoiceXML 2.0 allows developers to create...
443 — Volantis implements employee kiosk platform for Telecom Italia Mobile
Volantis Systems, a UK supplier of presentation management software solutions for the multi-channel internet, has announced the successful deployment of its Mariner...
442 — Best Large UK Contact Centre opens new premises in Middlesborough
Garlands Call Centres, recently acknowledged at the 2002 National Customer Service Awards as the UK's Best Large Contact Centre, has opened a third customer premises in...
441 — IDC foresees market for IP telephony to offset telecom downturn
In a tough year for telecom vendors and carriers with capital expenditures being slashed and network builds scaled back, a new report from IDC sees though a...
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