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4127 — Solução da BenQ-Siemens integra telemóvel e leitor de música
A BenQ e a Siemens apresentaram o Q-fi EF51, um equipamento dois-em-um que integra um telemóvel...
4126 — Vodafone alarga oferta de Mobile TV
A Vodafone reforçou a sua oferta de televisão no telemóvel com a versão Mobile dos canais...
4125 — 3.5G da Optimus já cobre 45 por cento da população
A Optimus alargou a cobertura da nova rede 3.5G (HSDPA) a mais de 190 cidades e vilas. Esta...
Mantenha-se a par das nossas últimas publicações.
452 — Matthew Banks – Director Marketing Solutions EMEA Siebel
Banco de Imagens-Quem é Quem
451 — Robert Wint, marketing director, EMEA, Verint Systems.
index.php?headline=87&visual=24 Banco de Imagens - Daily Picture Banco de Imagens-Quem é Quem
450 — The importance of SIX SIGMA for the quality of todays call centres. The opinion of Robert Wint, marketing director, EMEA, Verint Systems.
In certain process-centric industries, a practice called Six Sigma has evolved. Since its inception in business in Japan some years ago, it has already been adopted by...
449 — France Télécom R&D brings TTS solution to market
France Télécom's research unit (FT) has begun marketing a new speech synthesis technology that converts any text or message to natural-sounding speech. This...
448 — Eyretel announces shipment of Contact Viewer 7.0
Eyretel, a provider of voice and data recording, quality monitoring and analysis systems for the optimisation of contact centres, has announced that it had begun...
447 — Eyretel announces shipment of Contact Viewer 7.0
Eyretel, a provider of voice and data recording, quality monitoring and analysis systems for the optimisation of contact centres, has announced that it had begun...
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