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4132 — Motorola junta-se novamente à casa de alta-costura Dolce & Gabbana
A Motorola e a Dolce & Gabbana disponibilizaram, para o mercado Português, o novo telemóvel...
4131 — Carlos Valente é o novo Country Manager da filial Portuguesa da Pioneer Ibérica
Carlos Valente é o novo Country Manager da sucursal portuguesa da Pioneer Ibérica. Valente terá...
4130 — Sybase apresenta resultados financeiros do 2º trimestre
A Sybase revelou os resultados financeiros do segundo trimestre, terminado a 30 de Junho de 2006....
Mantenha-se a par das nossas últimas publicações.
470 — Intellectual property dispute can hamper Voice XML 2.0
Voice XML2.0 a voice protocol issued last Tuesday as a candidate recommendation by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is stuck in an industry quarrel over...
469 — Simera UK signs OEM agreement with Convera
Simera UK has signed an OEM agreement with Convera to develop a suite of e-HR tools to benefit employers and employees alike by exploiting Convera's expertise in the...
468 — SPECIAL TFM UK 2003: Product insight
The growing overlap between marketing, customer service and sales in the context of technology will be this years motto of Technology For Marketing UK 2003, to be held...
467 — TFM 2003 11-12 Feb. Full programme of conferences, lectures and seminars
KEYNOTE SESSIONS (both days) 13.00/14.00 What is the Future if CRM?, at Apex Room, chaired by José Ferrão, european managing director of Peppers & Rogers Group...
466 —
TFM 2003 Full programme of conferences, lectures and seminars TFM 2003 11-12 Feb. Full programme of conferences, lectures and seminars KEYNOTE...
465 — CeBIT 2003 launches special SME offensive
CeBIT 2003 is launching its own SME offensive. For the first time ever, Hannover-based show organizers Deutsche Messe AG will be offering a special programme geared to...
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