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Publicações Recentes
4138 — TMN alarga oferta de roaming
A TMN anunciou que já dispõe de acordos de roaming, que utilizam a tecnologia terceira geração e...
4137 — EPUL introduz solução de atendimento personalizado da Voxmedia
A EPUL Empresa Pública de Urbanização de Lisboa seleccionou a Voxmedia, empresa de...
4136 — Verizon Business integra APRITEL
A Verizon Business é o mais recente associado da APRITEL - Associação dos Operadores de...
Mantenha-se a par das nossas últimas publicações.
482 — Special CeBIT 2003: Display categories and special shows
Thematically focused and user-friendly. This is how the organisation of CeBIT 2003 defines the line-up of special presentations at the event. The thematic range...
481 — C3 and Rhetorical TTS software tackles truancy in UK schools
C3 and Rhetorical, UK providers of speech software, announced that text-to-speech (TTS) systems developed by the two companies are being used by Truancy Call to tackle...
480 — Monique van Dusseldorp, CEO of Van Dusseldorp & Partners (Netherlands)
index.php?headline=87&visual=24 Banco de Imagens - Daily Picture Banco de Imagens-Quem é Quem Banco de Imagens - Centros de Contacto
479 — A different approach to SMS: The golden eggs of SMS-teletext chat. A reflexion of Van Dusseldorp & Partners on the impact of SMS TV services.
The importance of the integration of TV and media concepts with SMS and mobile-based interactivity in the context of next generation mobile services was the hot dish...
478 — Moravia backs OASIS Web Services committee
Moravia, a Czech provider of localisation and testing solutions, today announced its participation and support for the recently formed OASIS technical committee (TC) on...
477 — Loquendo Powers Anthropics `Talking Head` Message Service
Anthropics and Loquendo, an Italian speech technology company, announced that Loquendo Speech Technology is to power London-based Anthropics Technology's multi-lingual...
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