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3877 — Premio e-Tech 2006 para Intercomgi galardonado
Dentro del marco del Fórum de Nuevas Tecnologías de Girona organizado por AENTEG (Asociación de...
3876 — Vignette Village
Javier Moro, a la sazón director de Vignette Ibérica ha presentado ya la agenda de la cuarta...
3875 — La consultora Bloor Research premia la suite BPM de TIBCO como la mejor del año 2006
La compañía independiente de software de integración empresarial y gestión de procesos, TIBCO...
Mantenha-se a par das nossas últimas publicações.
746 — UK direct marketing industry shows timid growth, DMA reveals
The UK direct marketing (DM) industry is worth 17,7 billion euros in the 2002-2003 period, a 6 per cent increase over last years figures, reveals the UK Direct...
745 — ScanSoft RealSpeak selected as the voice for Microsoft`s Educational Initiative in Germany
ScanSoft, a supplier of imaging, speech and language solutions, announced that its RealSpeak text-to-speech platform has been selected as the voice for the educational...
744 — The European IT Forum 2003, Sep 29-30, Paris
IT industry lives in a kind of double bind these days. Its still facing the aftermath of September 11, war in Iraq, pervasive accounting scandals, a plummeting stock...
743 — Ericsson enhances point-to-multipoint microwave solution for fixed and mobile operators
Ericssons microwave radio solution, MINI-LINK BAS, will now supports both Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) and traditional Time-Division Multiplexed (TDM)...
742 — TISL delivers voice recording facilities to SeaFrance
SeaFrance Limited, a French ferry operator on the Dover to Calais route, is working with voice recording and event capture solution provider TISL, to improve the...
741 — Jorma Ollila, Nokia CEO
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