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Proteção dos Consumidores em Matéria de Contratos celebrados à Distância
Decreto-Lei n.º 143/2001 - Proteção dos Consumidores em Matéria de Contratos celebrados à...
Serviços de Promoção, Informação e Apoio aos Consumidores
Decreto-Lei n.º 134/2009 - Serviços de Promoção, Informação e Apoio aos Consumidores. Estabelece o...
Contratos de Crédito aos Consumidores
Decreto-Lei n.º 133/2009 - Contratos de Crédito aos Consumidores Transpõe para a ordem jurídica...
Mantenha-se a par das nossas últimas publicações.
2094 — Firm creates 500 call centre jobs
About 500 call centre jobs are being created in Glasgow by the company RHL. The Scottish Executive is offering a £1.8m grant to RHL to help support the project. ...
2093 — Jochen Eickholt named CEO of Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices
Jochen Eickholt assumed the post of CEO at Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co.KG. Previously, Eickholt headed up Supply Chain Management at...
2092 — Linksys Ships Its First Wireless-G IP Phones
Linksys announced the immediate availability of its WIP300 and WIP330 Wireless-G IP Phones. The WIP300 and WIP330 are the first in a line of Wireless IP...
2091 — Intervoice Announces Innovative Solution for New Breed of Mobile Virtual Network Operators
Intervoice announced a solution that allows Value-Added Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) to more rapidly and affordably create new services for subscribers....
2090 — Short Term Revenues at the Price of Long Term Loyalty, by Lior Arussy
I would like to congratulate all the customers of Northwest Airlines who loudly raised their voices. The airline announced cancellation of their plan to charge a...
2089 — UPM awards Siemens Business Services major IT outsourcing contract
The Finnish paper company UPM-Kymmene Oyj has commissioned Siemens Business Services to provide shared IT-infrastructure services and user support for all UPMs 30.000...
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