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4149 — Stonesoft da luz verde a su Foro Digital en castellano
El proveedor de soluciones integradas para la seguridad de las redes y la continuidad del negocio...
4148 — IV Congreso Andino de Call Centers, Contact Centers y CRM – 9/11 de Mayo 2007
La Asociación colombiana de Contact Centers organiza entre los días 9 y 11 de mayo en Bogotá el IV...
4147 — Cisco reconoce el esfuerzo de Castilla-La Mancha en el área de las nuevas tecnologías
El Presidente de Castilla-La Mancha, José María Barreda, recibió, en el Palacio de Fuensalida, el...
Mantenha-se a par das nossas últimas publicações.
1367 — Sweden`s top three service providers kick broadband into turbo mode
Although multi-megabit broadband is already available in some European countries, Sweden is pointing Europe in the same direction as pioneering Asian countries such as...
1366 — Avaya appoints Queensland Business Development Director
Avaya, a global provider of business communications software, systems and services, has named Mark McBride to the position of Business Development Director for...
1365 — Global Broadband Market to exceed 325 million subscribers by 2008, says the Yankee Group
According to the Yankee Group's 2004 Global Broadband Subscriber Report, cable modem service is projected to trail DSL globally but maintain its lead in the North...
1364 — BSA study finds 36 Percent of software in use worldwide is pirated
Thirty-six percent of the software installed on computers worldwide was pirated in 2003, representing a loss of nearly $29 billion. These are the key findings of a...
1363 — International Call Center Management Conference – ICCM Links
1362 — Unisys acquires Baesch Computer Consulting
The provider of technology solutions and services to the U.S. intelligence and defense communities, Baesch Computer Consulting, has been acquired by Unisys. This...
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