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Regulação de Centros Telefónicas
Publicações Recentes
(IV) Objecto do regime jurídico dos Centros Telefónicos de Relacionamento
Nos termos do art. 1º, o DL 134/2009 estabelece o “regime jurídico aplicável à prestação de...
(III) Motivação do Regime Jurídico dos Centros Telefónicos de Relacionamento (RJCTR)
Apesar de não ser possível obter a partir do preâmbulo do DL 134/2009 ajuda para a compreensão da...
(II) Regime Jurídico dos Centros Telefónicos de Relacionamento (Enquadramento Histórico)
Enquadramento histórico do regime jurídico dos CTR Regime do DL 134/2009, de 2 de Junho,...
Mantenha-se a par das nossas últimas publicações.
2124 — EIB Loan to Telefonica for Mobile Phones in Peru
The European Investment Bank is providing a USD 51.2 million loan to Telefónica Móviles S.A. for investment in a new mobile network operating in the GSM standard....
2123 — Witness Systems Strengthens Leadership Position in IP Recording; Surpasses 1,000th Implementation Milestone with Cisco Systems
Witness Systems has surpassed its 1,000th worldwide customer site deployment of Impact 360 IP Recording in a Cisco Systems Unified Contact Centre environment. ...
2122 — New Contact Centre drives service improvements at South Hams District Council
A customer survey conducted within the South Hams district of Devon has revealed that customer satisfaction has risen and abandoned call rates fallen since the...
2121 — ntl:Telewest chooses Ericsson to aid work on its voice network capability
ntl:Telewest has selected Ericsson as a technology and services partner to help with developments to its telephone network using VoIP technology. A 5-year...
2120 — NICE Completes Acquisition of IEX Corporation
NICE Systems announced the completion of its acquisition of IEX Corporation, a provider of workforce management, strategic planning and performance management solutions...
2119 — NICE Completes Acquisition of IEX Corporation
NICE Systems announced the completion of its acquisition of IEX Corporation, a provider of workforce management, strategic planning and performance management solutions...
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