Only 29 per cent of executives are satisfied with the quality of their customer relationship management (CRM), according to a recent global survey conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit for AT&T. Industry research indicates that more than half of all initial CRM implementations fail and that one in five CRM users have completely abandoned their initiatives.
These sobering statistics have not curbed the corporate appetite for implementing or continuing to refine CRM applications, and the CRM market continues to expand. More Than Numbers: CRM in the networked organization, a white paper that analyses the survey findings, examines how customer relationship management applications can be made to deliver on their promise.
CRM has failed to live up to the expectations of many. Almost any CRM undertaking means significantly changing how people do things. As a result, for many companies it will take some time for these capabilitiesboth technological and organisationalto become embedded and demonstrate significant value, the report concluded.
CRM applications, which have been designed by IT departments without the early input of users, have been difficult to use. One of the best ways to solve these challenges is to include new users in the design of these systems followed by the best training companies can afford.