930 — Klaus Kleinfeld elected to Siemens corporate executive committee

Nov 13, 2003 | Conteúdos Em Ingles

Siemens Supervisory Board and its relevant committees appointed Klaus Kleinfeld a full member of the managing board of Siemens and endorsed his election to the company’s corporate executive committee. Effective January 1, 2004, Kleinfeld will assume special responsibility for the groups in Siemens’ Information and Communications business area as well as for Siemens’ Regional Companies in the Region Africa, Middle East and C.I.S. Kleinfeld will also head Siemens’ corporate strategies department. Kleinfeld has been a deputy member of Siemens’ Managing Board since December 2002. He is currently President and CEO of Siemens Corporation in New York.

Klaus Kleinfeld – born in 1957 in Bremen, Germany – studied business administration and business education at Göttingen University and received a doctorate from Würzburg University.

After stints as a researcher at the Institute for Empirical Social Research in Nuremburg, Germany and as a product manager at Ciba-Geigy AG in Basel, Switzerland. Kleinfeld joined Siemens’ Corporate Sales and Marketing Division in 1987.

A year later, he moved to the company’s corporate planning and development division (today: corporate development department). In 1995, Kleinfeld was appointed head of Siemens Management Consulting.

The special responsibilities which Kleinfeld will assume on January 1, 2004 were held by Volker Jung until his retirement from active service at the end of September 2003. They are currently exercised by Siemens’ President and CEO Heinrich Pierer on an acting basis. Johannes Feldmayer is the current head of Siemens’ corporate strategies department.


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