769 — Human Resources: Wide variations in EU holiday entitlements – UK amongst lowest, Mercer HR says

Aug 13, 2003 | Conteúdos Em Ingles

Wide discrepancies continue across the EU in paid holiday entitlements. Research by Mercer Human Resource Consulting has shown that the average leave and public holiday entitlements across all EU states is 34 days. The UK and Netherlands provide just 28 days off while Ireland gives 29. At the other extreme, Greece, Austria, and Finland provide the most time off – 37, 38 and 39 days respectively. The figures are based on statutory entitlements for an employee working five days a week, with 10 years’ service.

Annual leave
The minimum number of days’ annual leave ranges from 20 to 25. Six of the EU states (including the UK) provide just 20 days while 25 days are given by a further seven states. Spain and Portugal provide 22. The average across the EU is 23 days.

“Though there have been moves to harmonise employment practices in Europe, there’s still a sizeable gulf in the amount of minimum paid holiday between member states,’ said David Formosa, European Partner at Mercer. ‘In countries where leave entitlement is low, it’s common practice for employers to give extra days as an employee benefit.”

Public holidays
Across the EU, around 50 different dates are observed nationally as public holidays, yet over 30 of these are observed by no more than one or two member states. This is in addition to the many regional holidays granted in some states.

“The plethora of different public holidays can put a strain on the coordination of business operations across Europe,” said Mr. Formosa.

“Public holidays have their origin in religion and local culture, and it may be difficult to change practices that are steeped in tradition,” he said. “But, as we become more of a pan-European community, there may be pressure for a more harmonious approach.”

There are also wide variations in local implementation of employment practices governing public holidays. EU citizens generally have a statutory right to public holidays with the exception of France, Sweden and the UK. Though it is normal practice to grant public holidays in these countries, employers are within their rights to require employees to work on these days, or to take these as part of annual holiday entitlement.

Special leave
In a number of EU states, employers are also legally obliged to give special leave for getting married, or for the death of a spouse or other close relatives, for example. “Even where there is no legal requirement, it’s common for larger employers to provide additional leave for special circumstances,” said Mr. Formosa.


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