V-Enable, a provider of multimodal solutions and Loquendo, the Italian global speech technology company, announced a joint marketing agreement leveraging Loquendo‘s multilingual speech technologies to deliver enhanced multimodal solutions to carriers worldwide. Loquendo has speech solutions in 14 different languages and its technologies power over 2 million calls every day in the telecommunications and enterprise markets.
The reach of V-Enable’s veANYWAY solution is now even broader with the integration of Loquendo‘s software voice platform, which comprises Loquendos TTS synthetic speech engine, ASR speaker-independent automatic speech recognition in a broad array of languages and Voice XML 2.0 interpreter.
As mobile professionals become more global with their business interactions, V-Enable’s veANYWAY solution combined with Loquendo’s multilingual speech capability aims at enabling them to interact with content and manage their e-mail over the phone using the language of their choice.
VeANYWAY, the multimodal solution, is comprised of the following elements:
veCLIENT – a multimodal client extension for Java, Brew and other thin client mobile phones.
VeGATEWAY– a server-side software based solution that integrates different voice/text/graphics/video gateways into one seamless experience for the user, allows new services to be offered on mobile devices as well as the reuse of existing content and applications on mobile devices.
VeSTUDIO – developer platform environment to allow third party application developers to build multimodal applications.
VeAPPS -showcase of multimodal user interfaces to applications that V-Enable believes will be significantly enriched with a multimodal experience.
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