474 — Simera UK implements e-HR solution for Dixons Group

Feb 4, 2003 | Conteúdos Em Ingles

Software vendor Simera UK has completed the installation of a new e-HR support package, eZ-Answer, for the Dixons Group, a British electrical retailer. The system acts as an interactive web-based Q&A system, answering questions on HR policy and best practice for employees throughout the group’s operations in the UK and Ireland.

“eZ-Answer enables employees to check if there is a policy on any subject and then guides them to the right policy source very quickly. It also safeguards consistency in knowledge delivery. If the system can’t provide a particular answer, it escalates appropriately to the correct manager.

“This means we are able to improve and immediately upgrade the knowledge base. The trial has generated very positive feedback from managers and staff. Managers for example, feel it helps with encouraging their individual accountability,” said John Francis, Dixons Group’s employee relations director.

Nigel Follett CEO of Simera commented: “We are very excited by the Dixons Group’s use of eZ-Answer in this application, which has shown a great deal of vision by all those involved. There is an excellent opportunity for them to also embrace other aspects of this system which gives them the potential to create an automated multimedia contact centre dealing with queries via email, wireless and telephone interfaces.”

“As eZ-Answer also works in 33 languages as a minimum, there is ample opportunity for them to scale the solution out to their international branches without scalability or accessibility issues,” Follett added.

The software delivers answers to common employee questions via a web browser. Responses are posed in normal conversational language. An initial three-month trial involving 3,500 employees generated many thousands of queries on 35 HR related subjects and saw 96 per cent of them cleared up by the system.

