TFM 2003 11-12 Feb. Full programme of conferences, lectures and
13.00/14.00 What is the Future if CRM?, at Apex Room, chaired
by José Ferrão, European Managing
Director of Peppers & Rogers Group.
Panellists are:
Tuesday, 11 Feb.
Matthew Banks, director marketing solutions, EMEA, Siebel;
Peter Hall, regional director, Institute
of Customer Service;
Mark Carlile, UK country manager of Pivotal;
David Hood, chairman of CIM
Jay Curry from;
Wednesday, 12 Feb.
Gary Pugh, marketing director at Oracle;
Ann-Marie Stagg, chairman of Call
Centre Management Association UK;
Mike Talbot, chief technology officer of Alterian;
David Hood, chairman of CIM
Craig Smith, editor of Marketing
Magazine UK;
Day one: Tuesday, 11 Feb.
10.30/11.00 Email marketing
Best practice e-mail marketing to increase ROI by Experian, Theatre 1.
11.10/11.40 Streaming Media
Streaming media for marketing different approaches for Siemens UK, Johnson
& Johnson and the RAB by,
Theatre 2.
11.50/12.20 Campaign
Management On target: how Home Service embraced an effective campaign
management solution by Doubleclick
& Home Service, Theatre 1.
12.30/13.00 Marketing
Automation Revolutionise your direct marketing efforts through marketing
automation, by Pivotal, Theatre 2.
14.00/14.30 Mobile
Marketing Running effective marketing campaigns, by WIN & Vodafone, Theatre 2.
14.40/15.10 Data Analytics
The ABCs of maximising return from your data investment, by Acxiom, Theatre 1.
15.20/15.50 Customer
Intelligence The reality of delivering intelligent marketing for the
long term, by SmartFocus & Charles
Schwab, Theatre 2.
16.00/16.30 Internet
Marketing Successful online marketing maximise return from your
web-site, by Overture, Theatre 1.
Day two: Wednesday, 12 Feb.
10.30/11.00 Lifestyle data
Right customer, right place, right time by Mapinfo, Theatre 1.
11.10/11.40 Email Marketing
E-mail marketing, the rights & wrongs using technology &
creativity to build profitable customer relations by MediaCo & Vodafone m-pay bill, Theatre 2.
11.50/12.20 Campaign
Management The importance of building a customer intelligence framework
by Unica & M&S, Theatre 1.
12.30/13.00 Marketing
Automation Get a quick return on your marketing investment, by Identex & Dixon Motors, Theatre 2.
14.00/14.30 Click Stream
Get a bang for your buck: how click stream delivers ROI, by E-spotting Media, Theatre 2.
14.40/15.10 Internet
Marketing Employ new media for customer service, by Claritas, Theatre 1.
15.20/15.50 Customer
Intelligence Insight or out the door, by ClarityBlue & Freeserve, Theatre 2.
16.00/16.30 Data Analytics
The analytic paradox or why simple questions are hard to answer, by Alterian, Theatre 1.
Day one: Tuesday, 11 Feb.
10.30/11.00 Call/Contact
Centres Dialling technology can increase lead generation by 300 per
cent, by AmCat, Theatre 2.
12.30/13.00 Customer
Service How new analytical techniques enhance customer service and
customer profitability, by Alterian,
Theatre 1.
14.00/14.30 e-CRM
Driving O2 loyalty, using 1-to-1 multi-channel communications, by insight@tmw, Theatre 1.
14.40/ 15.10 CRM Ten
top tips for implementing a CRM solution, by Microsoft Business Solutions, Theatre 2.
Day two: Wednesday, 12 Feb.
10.30/11.00 e-Supply
Improving document distribution & workflow, by Adobe & Press Index, Theatre 2.
12.30/13.00 CRM The
importance of an integrated marketing & CRM solution, by Care Business Solutions, Theatre 1.
14.00/14.30 e-CRM
e-CRM: Does size matter?, by Maximizer
Software, Theatre 1.
14.40/15.10 Call/Contact
Centres Customer segmentation: exploring the significance of customer
segmentation in the CRM-enabled world, by Genesys,
Theatre 2.
Day one: Tuesday, 11 Feb.
11.10/11.40 Sales Force
Automation Selling with intelligence, by OneSource, Theatre 1.
11.50/12.20 e-Sales
What use is CRM until youve got C!, by e-Sales & Wundercars, Theatre 2.
15.20/15.50 Lead Management
Leads are the lifeblood of selling, by Practique
& Samsung, Theatre 1.
16.00/16.30 Presentation
Skills Killer sales presentations, by M62, Theatre 2.
Day two: Wednesday, 11 Feb.
11.10/11.40 Presentation
Skills Multi-media sales tools for the laptop or desktop, by FirstPresenter, Theatre 1.
11.50/12.20 Lead Management
Realtime business intelligence, by BlueSheep,
Theatre 2.
15.20/15.50 e-Sales
What use is CRM until youve got C!, by e-Sales and Wundercars, Theatre 1.
16.00/16.30 Sales Force
Automation Selling with intelligence, Onesource, Theatre 2.