Study Points Public Sector Toward the Need for Web-Based eCRM Solutions that Produce High-Quality Interactions at Low Costs.
KANA (NASDAQ: KANA) the leading provider of external-facing eCRM solutions, announced in June 25 results from a study on customer service within the public sector indicating that more than half of all citizens polled are seeking Web-based interaction with local and central government. The survey showed that citizens feel customer service within government agencies is not adequate and that governments are not taking full advantage of leading eCRM solutions.
The study, sponsored by KANA, compared customer service and sought to uncover the preferred methods of communication across different vertical industries. Within the public sector, the majority of respondents continue to use the phone for interaction, but more than half would like to see Web-based interaction incorporated into their government’s service offering. While some local governments and public sector bodies have begun to take advantage of the benefits of eCRM solutions, the majority have yet to provide their citizens with multi-channel customer service options that provide better service at a lower cost.
Key findings of the survey include:
·55 percent of citizens indicated that they would prefer to interact with government agencies via Web-based tools, including e-mail,online self-service and chat;
·53 percent of citizens feel that most state and federal methods of interaction are not adequate;
·78 percent of citizens found that the phone is still the most effective way to receive an answer in a timely manner; clearly showing that government agencies are not diverting calls to lower cost Web service channels such as self-service, e-mail and live chat.
The survey illustrates the growing need for eCRM solutions that are highly flexible and scalable enough to meet increasing consumer demands for Web-based communication. Fast, intelligent, automated e-mail, Web and instant messaging request management have been identified as key elements that allow government agencies to respond faster and more accurately to customer requests.
“This survey reveals that although constituents’ expectations for high levels of service in the public sector are in line with that of the private sector, government agencies continue to fall short in that area,” said Alf Saggese, MD, EMEA for KANA. “External-facing eCRM solutions like KANA’s allow government agencies to provide extraordinary customer service across all channels of communication.”
Notícias – Press-Releases