France Telecom announced that before the summer of 2006, it will be testing a Very High Speed offering in six districts in Paris and six cities in the Hauts-de-Seine. This experiment, based on an optical fiber service deployed into the customer’s home, is expected to cover thousands of households.
FTTH will offer the best speed and capacity for simultaneous use of existing services while providing new services for customers, says France Telecom. Examples of the services offered include high definition TV on one or more television sets (very high-quality images), interactive TV programs, the use of telephony over IP and videoconferencing under optimum conditions, instantaneous downloads and video viewing on PCs on one or more televisions, the ability to listen to high-quality music, improved photo album services, the development of video blogs, access to e-commerce sites under unparalleled speed and display conditions, secure data storage, and the development of new games.
At the end of this first experimental phase, France Telecom believes it will be able to ramp up its pilot programs to cover other regions in France or abroad by 2007.
Notícias – Press-Releases