Verint Systems Inc. announced that is has expanded the functionality of its STAR-GATE Communications Interception Solution to enable service providers to more effectively address emerging communications interception requirements for VoIP and broadband packet-data services.
STAR-GATEs new capabilities include an enhanced user interface and sophisticated data analytics, enabling service providers to reduce the complexity of complying with local communications interception requirements while improving the delivery of intercepted communications to law enforcements and government agencies.
Verints deep understanding of the global communications interception market and dedicated research and development team has enabled us to quickly respond to the rapidly changing market and technology requirements for communications interception solutions, said Dan Bodner, President and CEO of Verint Systems. In particular, our deep customer relationships have enabled Verint to recognize early the need for VoIP and broadband packet-data intercept capabilities and our new capabilities offer our global customer base the broadest suite of applications for their voice and data communications requirements .
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