1864 — Concerto Software and Aspect Communications announce combined company to be named Aspect Software

Aug 25, 2005 | Conteúdos Em Ingles

Concerto Software and Aspect Communications announced that upon closing of their intended merger the combined company will be named Aspect Software.

With this merger, Aspect – known for its quality products, stability, and innovation allowing customer service organizations to maximize their contact center operations – is joining forces with Concerto, the long-time leader in enabling collections, customer service, and sales contact center processes and recognized for its flexibility and collaborative approach. Given the broad market awareness of the Aspect brand, the name Aspect Software was selected to lead the new company’s growth in markets around the world.

“We are pleased with the progress we are making toward becoming one company and are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead for the soon-to-be Aspect Software,” said Jim Foy, President and CEO of Concerto Software. ‘We are assembling an outstanding team and believe the new company will be regarded as proven, focused, and well-poised to both support current customers and meet the industry’s growing need for reduced complexity and increased contact center capabilities.

The executive team of the new company, led by Foy, is expected to include individuals from both companies’ management teams. Specifically, Gary Barnett, current CEO of Aspect, will be named Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President of Worldwide Support Services.

“Concerto and Aspect coming together truly supports our shared vision of applying technology to help companies transform the way they interact with their customers,” said Barnett. “As Aspect Software, we will have great insight into how the contact center has evolved over time, what organizations need today to be competitive, and how to build optimal systems for shaping the future of customer-company interactions


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