1731 — Era GSM selects revenue assurance software from WeDo Soft

Apr 15, 2005 | Conteúdos Em Ingles

WeDo Soft, a provider of software solutions for the communications & media markets, announced that it has been awarded a contract to implement its Revenue Assurance solution (RAID) at the Polish mobile operator Polska Telefonia branded as Era GSM.

RAID will allow PTC to implement automated and integrated Revenue Assurance control processes, addressing PTC’s requirements in maintaining the consistency and coherency between their entire BSS, OSS and network systems and, therefore, to control PTC’s revenue leakages and maximize the company’s revenue.

‘Revenue Assurance is a very important area for PTC. Implementing the RAID-solution of WeDo is a crucial step for our revenue improvement initiatives. Using RAID we will be able to integrate our control mechanisms to assure data consistency in the operational platforms as well as to monitor the revenue streams in an automated way, thus empowering our revenue assurance team to perform their job efficiently. We chose RAID from WeDo, because – due to its high flexibility and functionality, fast implementation and its scalability up to tier-1-operators, it addresses our requirements to a high degree.’ said Wojciech Marcinczyk, Head of PTC’s Revenue Assurance Department .

João Faísca, Sales & Marketing Director of WeDo Soft added, ‘As a leading supplier in the Revenue Assurance arena with our proven RA-solution RAID, we are proud that we won PTC as a major mobile operator in the Central and Eastern European region, a target market of WeDo. Due to the performance, scalability and flexibility of RAID, we are sure that this solution will help PTC Era to meet all their need and requirements in the area of Revenue assurance .’


Notícias – Press-Releases