CosmoCom has announced it has been awarded its second US Patent 6,614,783, entitled Multimedia telecommunication automatic call distribution system using internet/PSTN call routing.
The Company has explained that this patent is a continuation of CosmoComs first patent 6,046,762 and so inherits that patents priority date of April 1, 1996.The patents disclose CosmoComs pure IP call center technology, which enables calls and messages originating on telephone and data networks to be queued and routed to universal contact center agents connected to an IP data network.
“Now that IP has proven itself as the best technology for call centers, all the legacy vendors are adding IP to their products, and several recent startups have joined the game“, said Ari Sonesh, CosmoComs CEO. “Patents exist to ensure that the visionaries and entrepreneurs, who make this kind of progress possible, benefit from their hard-won insights, and now its up to us to determine the way to maximize the value of these patents as a company asset. Of course, we have achieved our best protection by starting early and by having the most advanced and most field proven IP call center, something that none of the others can claim“.
Notícias – Press-Releases