1451 — IDC’S European IT forum to explore impact of Linux on Enterprise Computing

Aug 26, 2004 | Conteúdos Em Ingles

The research firm IDC has announced it will promote a session on “Respect and Influence: Understanding the Role of Linux Across the IT Landscape” during its European IT Forum, on September 27 and 28, in Paris. With over a billion dollars being spent by CIOs per quarter on Linux hardware alone, IDC finds of vital importance to understand the role and influence of Linux across the whole IT ecosystem.

Linux is at the heart of a potential move away from the ‘horizontally integrated’ business model we’ve been living with for many years in the IT industry“, said Martin Hingley, vice president of hardware research for IDC EMEA, and a joint chair of the above session. “Along with open source software, Linux could help to create a ‘diagonally integrated’ model where users are more powerful, components better understood and in which standards develop — not just for products themselves, but also for the way in which those products interact“.

Linux is truly accepted within the datacenter environment, and the next frontier will be the desktop. “While it is impossible for Linux products to offer the breadth of functionality of Microsoft-based devices, there are many opportunities for users who can split desktop users into functional groups“, said Hingley .

Among other key themes to be discussed at this year’s forum IDC points:  Improving efficiencies while driving innovation and utility computing for a dynamic enterprise.

To access to further information including a full agenda and a full list of speakers please click here .


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