A survey conducted by the research firm ContactBabel, indicates that the UK Contact Centre Industry employs currently almost 850,000 people. In a three years time the total of posts should surpass the 1 million.
On a release note, ContactBabel reveals it expects a gain of over 150,000 jobs in the next three years, with the North-West, Scotland and the South-East, growing each by over 20,000 jobs. These analysts note that the North-East relies most heavily on the contact centre industry, with 4.63% of jobs in the region being in contact centres, while the UK average is 2.99%.
The UK contact centre industry continues to grow, but at a lower rate than in recent years, driven by the expansion of existing operations, rather than the opening of new contact centres most companies who would benefit from having a contact centre already have one, comments Steve Morrell, principal analyst .
ContactBabel also found that the Telecoms and utilities contact centres will experience, over the next three years, a slight decline, with a net loss of around 5,000 jobs, mostly due to offshoring
Within the finance, telecoms and utilities sectors, there will be a sharp decrease in growth rates, which in some cases will mean an actual decline in contact centre jobs in these sectors, mainly due to offshoring. However, contact centres in the IT, retail, outsourcing and public sectors are set for strong growth. In the long term, offshoring will become an accepted part of the customer service mix for some businesses, especially those with many thousands of contact centre workers. The most likely scenario is that most companies will keep the majority of their contact centre work within the UK, says Morrell .
Em Foco – Projecto