Realtors will spend more on technology in 2004 than in each of the past three years, predicts National Association of Realtors in its 2004 Technology Impact Survey Report . Questions on how do realtors use technology for their business? How important have e-mail, the Internet, mobile phones, digital cameras and other technology products become to todays Realtor? What are the technology practices of the most successful realtors? What are the latest products and services that will shape tomorrows marketplace? Are answered. Following are some highlights of that Report.
- The typical Realtor plans to spend $858 on technology products, $254 on technology services and $257 on technology training in 2004.2)
- Ninety-seven percent of Realtors own and use a personal computer for real estate purposes and 95 percent use a mobile phone.
- Smaller percentages of Realtors use digital cameras (77 percent),a PDA (40 percent) or a Global Positioning System (GPS) (7 percent)
- The most frequently used operating system is Windows XP (54 percent)
- Fifty percent of Realtors have their own Internet Web page for real estate ,21 percent plan to have one in the future
- The typical Realtor conducts 24 percent of her communication with clients over e-mail and spends 4.6 hours per week checking and sending work-related e-mail
- Realtors were most likely to have an e-mail account through their firm (24 percent) although many others used AOL,Yahoo and MSN
- Forty-eight percent of Realtors report that they usually access MLS listings from their office ; 47 percent usually access MLS listings from their home.
- MLS listings are most frequently viewed by Realtors on their own personal computer although nearly half report using a shared office computer at least some of the time.
- When offered by their MLS, nearly three quarters of Realtors report that they have used a telephone help line .
NAR has conducted this e-mail-based survey in December 2003 of a random sample of 270,700 members, considering a total of 11,800 responses. Roughly two thirds of the survey respondents were sales agents who completed a median of 13 transaction sides per year. The remaining one third held a broker or broker associate license and completed 17 transaction sides. The typical Realtor who responded was 51 years of age.
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