1217 — Jens-Thomas Pietralla appointed CMO at Siemens mobile communication group

May 14, 2004 | Conteúdos Em Ingles


Pietralla photoJens-Thomas Pietralla assumed, on May 1, the newly created position of Chief Marketing Officer at Siemens mobile with global responsibility for marketing. Pietralla, aged 35, headed up, since April 2002, marketing activities for the Mobile Phones Division, one of a total of four divisions at Siemens mobile. Under his leadership, Siemens says mobile’s brand awareness levels as a mobile phone manufacturer have risen significantly, worldwide.



Before joining Siemens, Pietralla had been a partner at McKinsey, where for many years he had served as a consultant to high-tech and consumer-goods companies in Europe and the United States on marketing and strategy questions. He studied Physics and Mathematics in Ulm, Germany.


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