1178 — Contact Centre Passport now available online

Mar 30, 2004 | Conteúdos Em Ingles

The Contact Centre Passport is a new web-based service that will enable all those working in a contact centre to assess, record and improve their competencies and skills. As part of a pilot project funded by the UK government and led by e-skills UK, the online assessment stage of the service has now been developed and is available free-of-charge to employers in Scotland for a limited period of time.

The Passport is set against the Contact Centre Career and Skills Framework which was created by e-skills UK in collaboration with leading Contact Centre employers, providing a common definition of Contact Centre skills for employers, educators and government. Contact centre employees of all roles and levels can use the service to identify their current skills position and develop plans for personal development.

To access the passport service online, users must go to www.e-skills.com/ccpassport . Once they have assessed their skills online, they will receive the respective Contact Centre Passport.

The e-skills Contact Centre Passport is currently a Scottish-based pilot funded by the UK government. As a result, Passports are free to employers and individuals, in Scotland only, for a period of three months.

