T-Com (the fixed-line subsidiary of Germany’s Deutsche Telekom AG) and VoiceObjects AG have teamed up to provide ready-to-use voice applications as a managed service for customers throughout Germany. Using T-Com’s new Voice Web Portal, business customers can now offer all their services and information over the telephone. The new portals provide a self-service option for callers, taking some of the workload off company call-centers. This managed service offer includes voice application consulting, design, implementation, and operation via the T-Com infrastructure, and recorded prompts and a state-of-the-art dialog design for highly natural interactions.
The Voice Web Portal provides the latest multi-language speech recognition and synthesis software, making web content and services accessible via the telephone.
In this joint venture, VoiceObjects offers its voice application management system (VAMS) VoiceObjects Factory as the enabling technology for the rapid development and efficient operation of voice web applications. VoiceObjects design experts also provide the necessary know-how to build high-quality customised applications with a user-friendly voice interface.
T-Com is responsible for marketing and consulting activities for the new service, as well as handling implementation and integration, providing hosting and administration, and
maintaining the deployed voice applications. Using Voice Web Portal, companies can now provide telephone access to content and services originally designed for the internet.
This allows clients from a wide range of industries such as travel, mail order, online banking, insurance, utilities, telecommunications, and information media to automate a high proportion of their telephone transactions. The reduced load on call center agents not only cuts costs, it also increases the quality of customer service.
Agents are freed up to handle more complex customer calls in greater detail, while callers can take care of routine business over the telephone around the clock.
The voice web portal service platform using the integrated graphical development environment provided as part of VoiceObjects Factory, designers can create tailored high-quality services to match the clients corporate identity. Services can even be personalized to the individual caller.