WizCom Technologies, developer and manufacturer of reading aids, will inaugurate the company’s new German Reading Pen at the Didacta 2004 trade show, taking place in Köln, Germany, from 9-13 February, 2004. The Reading Pen is an ‘assistive technology’ tool for individuals dealing with reading disabilities, e.g., dyslexia, aphasia, and literacy issues. The product serves as a personal reading comprehension tutor, enabling users to scan, hear and define printed text, anytime and anywhere.
“The new German Reading Pen is the latest addition to the WizCom’s Reading Pen line. It has been designed specially for German-speaking users with reading disabilities. We are confident that the new WizCom’s Reading Pen will vastly contribute to the enhancement of their daily reading activities and learning process,” says Amit Ben-Zvi, CEO of WizCom Technologies. “Moreover, with WizCom’s Reading Pen academic success achieved by such students will probably be significantly higher”, adds Ben-Zvi.
The new German Reading Pen features the latest edition of the “Duden – Deutsches Universalwörterbuch” (5th edition), containing over 250,000 entries, phrases and examples of use, with information on spelling, pronunciation, grammatical use and style. The product is equipped with the ScanSofts German Real Speak text-to-speech module.
The new German Reading Pen enables users to scan a word or full line of text, see the scanned word displayed in an enlarged font or presented together with its definition on the product’s LCD screen. The integrated text-to-speech technology reads scanned text and definitions aloud. The product comes complete with an earphone for discreet individual hearing for classroom or boardroom environments.
The new German Reading Pen has been equipped with a ‘test mode’ feature, which will allow students to use the pen to scan and hear words pronounced aloud during exams, while blocking dictionary access. These and other unique features make the product a handy tool for students of German as a second language as well.
The Reading Pen can be expanded and upgraded to become a multi-functional scanning tool. By adding a Memory Extension Kit, Reading Pen users can add portable text scanning capabilities enabling users to scan, store and transfer text to PC or PDA. Over 25 additional dictionaries (including the Oxford English-English dictionary) can be added to the Reading Pen.