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Publicações Recentes
4262 — El proyecto TIBCO ONE impulsa la próxima generación de aplicaciones de infraestructura
La compañía independiente de software de integración empresarial y gestión de procesos que hace...
4261 — PowerData participará en el evento de Gestión de Accesos e Identidades organizado por IIR
El proveedor de TI y servicios especializado en plataformas de Integración y Calidad de Datos...
1596 — Mobility Conference 2005, March 3, Stockholm, Sweden
http://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=IDC_P8562 Eventos - Conferências
1595 — IT & Internet Security, 27 January, Lisbon, Centro Cultural de Belém
http://www.idc.pt/site/cgi-bin/idc_evento_01.asp?eventoid=19 Eventos - Conferências
1594 — IDC Finds Mobile Phone Market In Need of New Growth Catalyst
In 2004, the worldwide mobile phone market will grow 20% to 648 million units. The demand for color displays and camera phones from both mature markets and developing...
1593 — Demystifying Next-Generation Broadband Wireless and the Role of WiMAX, by The Yankee Group
The Yankee Group, analyses the convergence of wireless mobile market with the world of fixed wireless solutions, under the umbrella of broadband wireless. ...
1592 — CosmoCom Hires Mark Lepko
CosmoCom made publicly known that Mark Lepko has joined the organization as Vice President of Sales for the Americas. The Company, which created this position in...
1591 — Avaya Acquires RouteScience
Avaya Inc. has acquired all of the assets of RouteScience Technologies, Inc., a maker of adaptive networking software (ANS) for enterprises and service providers....