El próximo día 14 de junio se celebra en el madrileño Hotel Hesperia el evento Operadores Móviles...
Regulação de Centros Telefónicas
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Publicações Recentes
4271 — El nuevo Portal de Autoservicio del Empleado de Exact e-Synergy optimiza la administración de los RRHH corporativos
El proveedor líder de soluciones integrales de gestión empresarial Exact Software ha dado a...
4270 — Netgear da un paso adelante en el negocio del almacenamiento en red
El proveedor mundial de soluciones de redes de alto rendimiento para PYMES Netgear ha hecho...
1615 — 3GSM World Congress 2005, Cannes
http://www.3gsmworldcongress.com/2005/congress/default.asp?url=event_schedule Links
1614 — 3GSM World Congress 2005, Cannes
1613 — Eurotel launches push to talk technology in Czech Republic with Nokia solution
Eurotel Praha has launched the Czech Republic's first Push to talk over Cellular technology, using a state-of-the-art solution provided by Nokia. Eurotel will follow...
1612 — Nortel achieves next generation Internet Protocol Qualification
Nortel has become the first networking company to complete the University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL) phase II test regimen for IPv6, the...
1611 — The Lost Art of Saying Im Sorry, by Donna Fluss
Contact centers and service organizations get more than their share of irate complaints. In the course of a day, representatives speak with the best and worst of...
1610 —
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