La innovación tecnológica se ha convertido en objetivo prioritario para la cadena andaluza Fuerte...
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Publicações Recentes
3917 — La III edición de los Premios SAP a la Innovación cuadruplica el número de candidatos
SAP España ha dado a conocer la lista de proyectos inscritos a los Premios a la Innovación 2007....
3916 — Synotion orienta a las empresas en la elección e implantación de una plataforma eLearning
Todo tipo de entidades formativas y las empresas interesadas en mantener y tener informados a...
830 — Tom Wall – Chief Financial Officer FINEOS
index.php?headline=87&visual=24 Banco de Imagens - Centros de Contacto Banco de Imagens-Quem é Quem Banco de Imagens - Daily Picture
829 — ScanSoft ships PaperPort Pro 9 Office for Germany, Belgium, France and Spain
ScanSoft, a supplier of speech and imaging solutions, announced it has shipped localised versions of PaperPort Pro 9 Office for Germany, Belgium, France and Spain....
828 — Plum Voice Portals announces update of VoiceXML IVR platform
Plum Voice Portals, provider of Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and computer telephony solutions announced the latest revision of their VoiceXML IVR software suite....
827 — FINEOS appoints Tom Wall as Chief Financial Officer
FINEOS, an Irish manufacturer of banking and insurance software, has just appointed Tom Wall as Chief Financial Officer and company secretary. Wall joins the FINEOS...
826 — Aspect targets small and mid-sized enterprises with Iphinity
Aspect Communications, a provider of enterprise customer contact solutions, has announced Iphinity, a new suite of bundled solutions built specifically to meet the...
825 — The intimate connection between customer satisfaction and ROI. By Donna Fluss, Principal, DMG Consulting
Customers choose to do business with companies that provide the products and services they need and deliver an outstanding experience. Customers expect excellent...