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Publicações Recentes
3926 — Alianza entre Recall y Gadsa
Con el claro fin de aumentar la alianza que desde hace un lustro mantienen ambas compañías con...
3925 — Connect:Direct de Sterling Commerce logra la certificación de Criterio Común
La empresa de colaboración multiempresarial Sterling Commerce ha anunciado que su solución...
848 — Siemens launches new colour-screen handset
Siemens launched today the A60, a triband phone styled with bold looks and a 4,096-colour screen. Complemented by a variety of exchangeable CLIPit Covers and offering...
847 — VoiceXML Forum adds new leadership
Igor Jablokov of IBM succeeds Bill Dykas as chairman of the VoiceXML Forum. This announcement follows Forums expansion of the board of directors: representatives from...
846 — Tecnomen`s headcount reductions deal concluded
Tecnomen has concluded the official negotiations held in Finland concerning personnel reductions. The number of Tecnomen personnel is being reduced by 51 at the...
845 — Dutch Trade Union – De Unie – opts for converged communications with Avaya IP Telephony System
Avaya has announced that its Gold BusinessPartner Newtel Essence has recently completed the installation of a virtual Avaya IP communications network to the Dutch trade...
844 — Ericsson demonstrates IPv6 international roaming over commercial GPRS network
Ericsson and TeliaSonera have demonstrated IPv6 services over a commercial GPRS network in an international roaming scenario. The demonstration shows that IPv6 services...
843 — Intelligent Output Solutions appoints new director
Intelligent Output Solutions, a provider of unified messaging solutions announced the appointment of Stewart Rogers as a director of the company. Until...