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Regulação de Centros Telefónicas
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Publicações Recentes
3944 — Quescom se une al programa One Voice de Comstor
La compañía dedicada a proveer al canal de productos de networking, seguridad y telefonía IP...
3943 — Cognos España premia a Unión FENOSA
El proveedor de soluciones de Business Intelligence y para la gestión del rendimiento corporativo...
884 — First impressions: How to increase the effectiveness of a web site. The opinion of Paul Hudson, Group Director of Research, Teleconomy
First impressions count. First impressions give consumers their first clear idea about what a company is like: are they professional? amateurs? modern? traditional?...
883 — Actionable intelligence for the smarter enterprise. The opinion of Robert Wint, EMEA marketing director, Verint Systems
Actionable intelligence defines data that is not simply just there in historic ACD reports or reams of paper from your CRM system, but can actually be employed to...
882 — CRM For Mobile Operators, 8-11 December 2003, Barcelona, Spain
With competition fierce, and churn rates high, mobile operators need to find effective stratgies to identify high value customers and then keep hold of them. With...
881 — Nokia ships 3660 and 3620
Nokia is now introducing the Nokia 3660 and Nokia 3620 aimed at expanding the company's imaging portfolio and to reach a wider consumer segment. In addition to an...
880 — BT and Eckoh Technologies deploy hosted ASR solution for TD Waterhouse
BT and Eckoh Technologies will provide TD Waterhouse, one of the UKs largest execution-only brokers, with a new Advanced Speech Recognition (ASR) service. TD...
879 — Telefonica UK launches IP VPNs
Newly branded IP specialist, Telefónica UK announced its entrance into the UK corporate IP VPN services market. In addition to providing corporate customers with...