Hyperion ha anunciado la firma de acuerdo definitivo para adquirir Decisioneering, una compañía...
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Publicações Recentes
4048 — Presence Technology lanza su solución para la gestión del back office en los contact centers
La compañía europea proveedora de software CTI y especializada en optimizar el rendimiento de los...
4201 — A NEC lança o novo Switch para agregação de serviço, a Série CX2600/200
A NEC Corporation anunciou o lançamento de um novo Switch para Agregação de Serviço, a Série...
1108 — mobilkom austria launches Wireless LAN
Mobilkom austria announced the launch of Wireless LAN, which completes the companys range of mobile services encompassing GSM, GPRS and UMTS. Mobilkom austria will...
1107 — France Telecom and Ericsson to form strategic partnership to develop IP multimedia services
France Telecom and Ericsson announced today the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), in order to jointly develop IP multimedia Services for the consumer...
1106 — France Telecom and Ericsson to form strategic partnership to develop IP multimedia services
France Telecom and Ericsson announced today the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), in order to jointly develop IP multimedia Services for the consumer...
1105 — Getting serious about customer service. By Lior Arussy, president, Strativity Group
Over this past year Strativity Group, conducted a worldwide study around customer experience management. Through our worldwide seminars we managed to meet hundreds of...
1104 — Isabel Montesdeoca – new EMEA marketing director with Aspect
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Caller: I bought a phone last week, and I didn't receive the car charger for the lighter until today. I'm trying to use it, and it's not working. How do you use it?...