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Publicações Recentes
4250 — Funkwerk Enterprise Communications presenta su nueva familia de appliances UTM
Con esta nueva serie de productos, FEC pretende también concentrase en la pyme. Los sistemas de...
4249 — DekaBank consigue adaptarse a la norma contable IFRS
El proveedor líder de componentes de software empresarial y servicios ILOG ha echo público que la...
CENTRO DE CONTACTO - POINT CENTER NAME: CENTRO DE CONTACTO - Point Center, Lda ADDRESS: Centro de Contacto - Portugal Editorial Center: Rua do Século, 128, R/C -...
1575 — Corizon signs £1.25m software deal with BT
The provider of User Process Management (UPM) software, Corizon, has announced a major software licence deal with British Telecom, initially worth £1.25 million over...
1574 —
BT has added Corizons UPM Platform to its strategic software stack alongside products such as Siebel and Geneva to allow it to drive up the efficiency of its call...
1573 — Corizon signs £1.25m software deal with BT
The provider of User Process Management (UPM) software, Corizon, has announced a major software licence deal with British Telecom, initially worth £1.25 million over...
1572 — Corizon signs £1.25m software deal with BT
The provider of User Process Management (UPM) software, Corizon, has announced a major software licence deal with British Telecom, initially worth £1.25 million over...
1571 — Corizon signs £1.25m software deal with BT
The provider of User Process Management (UPM) software, Corizon, has announced a major software licence deal with British Telecom, initially worth £1.25 million over...