266 — Call Center Automation

Integrated Call Center Solutions for the Enterprise Early, Cloud & Company An IBM Company Thanks to CRMXchange.com Corporations are paying more than just lip service to the need to improve customer service. When it comes to investing in new computer technology...

264 — Call Center Automation

Integrated Call Center Solutions for the Enterprise Early, Cloud & Company An IBM Company Thanks to CRMXchange.com Corporations are paying more than just lip service to the need to improve customer service. When it comes to investing in new computer technology...

335 — Miguel Neves – Novo Director

Miguel Almeida Neves, 34 anos, é o novo Director Geral em Portugal da Comverse – uma empresa especializada no fornecimento de software e sistemas que permitem a oferta de serviços avançados de comunicações multimédia network-based. Anteriormente, Miguel Almeida...