A GENDER NEUTRAL PRESCRIPTION Caller: I want to know why my husband’s prescription drug was denied. Phone Rep: What was the drug prescribed for? Caller: His her. Phone Rep: Excuse me? Caller: His her. Phone Rep: Can you repeat that? Caller: His her! Phone Rep:...

701 — CRM UK 2003 – 7-9 October London

Organised by DCI and Penton Technology Media, CRM 2003 will offers a learning opportunity for anyone looking to implement a CRM strategy within their organisation. The top-level paid for conference and free exhibition will enable visitors to learn from the latest case...

2190 — UMTS vai avançar

O UMTS vai avançar e os prazos de lançamento da oferta e da cobertura geográfica serão flexibilizados. Garantias dadas por Álvaro Dâmaso durante o último jantar-debate promovido pela APDC no Hotel D. Pedro. O presidente da ANACOM defendeu a relevância do mercado das...