Yankee Group’s 2005 European Mobile User Survey shows that price has established itself as the number-one criteria for selecting a mobile service provider.
‘Cost and coverage are the driving force for the European consumer now,’ said Matt Hatton, Yankee Group senior analyst, Wireless/Mobile Europe, ‘but that is all going to change. For future success, operators must improve customer service and offer compelling data services now if they want to grow or even retain their subscriber base.’
The Yankee Group 2005 European Mobile User Survey features a total of nearly 2,800 respondents, 18 years of age and older, who are evenly distributed across the five largest mobile markets in Western Europe: France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK. The survey provides an in-depth examination of the European mobile consumer, focusing heavily on wireless usage habits and spending drivers for products and services offering market strategies for both mobile operators and handset vendors.
Em Foco – Empresa