Bouygues Telecom’s self-service portal lesp@ce client has counted more than 1 million customer logins per month. The portal, powered by Netonomys customer self-service solution, MyNetonomy NetService Center, was built to allow customers to subscribe to new services, view bills, check loyalty points, and manage every aspect of their contracts, both online and through their mobile handsets.
Since its launch, over a third of Bouygues Telecom contract customers have registered to use NetService Center and over 1 million customers login every month for a range of self-service interactions. Thanks to this adoption rate, Bouygues Telecom says it has substantially reduced operational costs, improved customer satisfaction and encouraged the take up of new services.
“Our customers are young, progressive and ‘on-the-go’, and they are often early adopters of new technology as well. Customer self-service is the customer care service that fits in best with their lifestyles”, said Jean-Luc Gonzalez, Bouygues Telecom’s Head of Marketing Development and Internet .
Most customers access NetService Center through the Web, but other channels are increasing in popularity, says Netonomy. Approximately 10% of all interactions are requested through PDA’s and mobile phones, and Bouygues Telecom’s rapidly growing base of i-mode customers are also enthusiastic users of self-service, delivered through their i-mode handsets.
“The self-service users interact with Bouygues Telecom three times more often than other customers – in fact, Bouygues Telecom are seeing almost a third of all customer interactions coming through their online channels. This reduces operating costs, and also gives call center staff more time to provide support for inquiries which require personal assistance”, noted John Hughes, cofounder and executive vice president of Netonomy.
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