The 4th Annual European Contact Centre Exchange is the only pan-European meeting for senior contact centre professionals looking to provide value-added services to their customer base. This is an invitation-only meeting which will give an insight into how blue-chip companies manage their contact centres on a pan-European level. Only Directors from the most advanced contact centre and Customer Service Directors from the overall organisation will be invited to participate in order to debate issues on a strategic level.
Europe Contact Center will actively endorse the event as Media Partner, workshop moderator (Manuel Melo, CEO and Filipe Samora, Edior-in-Chief) and proceedings producer.
Invited best practice leaders include:
AEGON, Alcatel, American Express, Bank of Austria, Bank of Ireland, BBC, Belgacom, Colt Telecom, Danske Bank, Deutsche Post AG, Dexia, DHL Aviation, Dutch Railways, Eurodisney, ExxonMobil, Fedex, Fiat Auto, Finland Post, FirstInfo Ltd, Fortis Bank, Fortum, Hilton Reservations, W/W, Iberia, ING Direct, ITD, Lego, LloydsTSB, Loot, MBNA, Mercedes Benz Customer Assistance Centre, Mobistar, National Blood Service, Nationwide, Nokia, NTL, One Gmbh, Orange, Primeline Services BV, Prudential, Raiffeisen Bank Rt, SAS Scandinavian Airlines, Saudi American Bank, Stena Line AB, Tap Air Portugal, Time Computers, T-Mobile, Turkish Airlines, UPC, UPS, Vhi Healthcare, VIPNet, Xerox.
Monday, 1 March 2004

Tuesday, 2 March 2004

Em Foco – Produto