Massxess, a Dutch provider of customer-facing IN & IVR services to corporate and government clients, is to strengthen its service portfolio still further with the addition of an Ocean fastSSP switch from the international vendor Telsis.
With our IVR Manager product, organisations no longer have to wait a long time for their service suppliers to develop or change voice services on their behalf. Instead they can do it all themselves, on-line, in real time. explains Massxesss Bob van Dam.
Massxesss self managed IVR (Interactive Voice Response) solutions allow telcos, businesses, government departments and other clients to deploy and change their own interactive services within minutes. The Telsis purchase also follows Massxesss progression from service provider to carrier and the availability of the SS7 signaling on its interconnect circuits. With a substantial ISDN-only IVR resource, the company will benefit from the fastSSP’s ability to perform seamless SS7/ISDN protocol conversion.