CBB Call Center, located in Cracow, Poland, is owned by BPH PHK S.A., one of the largest Polish banks part of the HVB Group. The call center has 120 fully equipped agent desks and handles over 500,000 calls a month. CBB employs about 250 bilingual agents, operating 24 hours x 365 days a year. The call center is extremely successful in offering outsourcing solutions in a full range of customer care services as well as other telemarketing services for institutional partners.
Project overview
The call center handles approximately 100 claims per day. For verification purposes, it is necessary to record and archive all customers communications via telephone. The recorded information is used to clarify any arising disputes or disagreements with the customer.
In case of a claim, a member of staff has to retrieve the pertinent recording, listen to the call and evaluate the relevant information and, if necessary, send the call to the customer. BPH PHK S.A. wanted to implement a Customer Recording Solution which would enable:
· On-line access to all calls recorded within the last 6 months.
· Storage of calls in MP3 files.
· Archival of calls on DVD.
· Storage of MP3 files on a central database at banks headquarters.
Technical Requirements
BPH PBK S.A. uses an ASPECT switch connected to a CTI server. An additionally ASPECT Remote Switch Terminal is used in the subsidiary companys Brokers Office. This office is located 6 km away from the banks headquarters, where the ASPECT Basic switch is located.
The link between the ASPECT Basic switch and the Remote Switch Terminal is through a PRI connection, so the calls for Brokers Office are coming into the banks headquarters and are redirected by the switch basic module to its Remote Terminal for their Brokers Office.
ASC delivered a communications recording solution that selectively records the customer communications via the telephone. The solution comprised of three MARATHON call recording units and an advanced Application Programmer Interface (API) for Start/Stop selective recording functionality. Two of the recording units have been located at CBBs headquarters, where they are connected to the extensions of the ASPECT Basic switch through MVTC B cards.
The third unit has been placed in the Brokers Office and is connected to the Remote Switch Terminal. Recorded calls are stored as MP3 files and archived on a central database at the companys headquarters. Therefore all calls can immediately be accessed and retrieved for verification and investigation purposes from both locations. Multiple search criteria and a huge storage capacity guarantee fast and efficient access, either over the local network or via a web browser over the internet.
Working in close cooperation with CBB, Bila Trading, ASCs partner in Poland, has integrated the recording solution into the call centers environment, which is based on Aspect technology. ASC wide network of integration partners enables customers to integrate ASC solutions in virtually any call center environment.
ASC delivered a communications recording solution that selectively records the customer communications via the telephone. The solution comprised of three MARATHON call recording units and an advanced Application Programmer Interface (API) for Start/Stop selective recording functionality. Two of the recording units have been located at CBBs headquarters, where they are connected to the extensions of the ASPECT Basic switch through MVTC B cards.
The third unit has been placed in the Brokers Office and is connected to the Remote Switch Terminal. Recorded calls are stored as MP3 files and archived on a central database at the companys headquarters. Therefore all calls can immediately be accessed and retrieved for verification and investigation purposes from both locations.
Multiple search criteria and a huge storage capacity guarantee fast and efficient access, either over the local network or via a web browser over the internet.
Customized Application
Using ASC APIs, the bank has developed a customised software application called Customer Recording Solution (CRS). The key features of the CRS application are described below:
1. Additional call information from the CTI server was tagged to the incoming calls. This data is saved in a SQL Database.
2.Once the call is completed, a WAVE LOADER software module copies the call from the MARATHON hard disk to the CRS Server. Each MARATHON unit has a separate copy of the WAVE LOADER allowing for all the tasks to work concurrently.
3.Another software module, called WAVE 2 MP3, loads the .wav file of the stored call and compresses it into MP3 format, to prepare it for archiving. MP3 files are saved on the SQL Database on RAID.
4. RAID keeps all the calls and call parameters stored for on line access. CBB receives approximately 14,000 calls a day, which were archived on RAID. CBB wants to keep this data for a period of 6 months for on-line access. Calls, which are older than 6 months and not necessary for on-line access anymore were stored on a DVD as MP3 files (approximately 10,000 calls on one DVD) and deleted from the database.
5. An additional software program running on the server is used for search and replay of all MP3 calls located on RAID. The search parameters refer to all the available information which can be received from ASPECT CTI. The Customer Recording Solution may service any number of recorders and can dynamically change its configuration. The whole CRS software is configurable and can be customized to fit any need and types of switches as well as other recorders within the MARATHON product family.
Solution Components
The final installation consists of:
· Two MARATHON communications recorders connected locally in bank headquarters and one located remotely in the Brokers Office and controlled by Server (2) over WAN.
· CTI server for ASPECT (1)
· Start Stop Server (2), for controlling the two MARATHON recorders
· Customer own server (3) with CRS software, which is running under WIN Server 2000 and SQL Database
· RAID disk array connected to the customers server (3)
On-line access to the archived calls for the last 6 months (can be extended to a year), as all calls are kept in MP3 files on RAID. Calls can be selectively archived from RAID to CD, for example: only calls for a specific agent, or for a specific project were archived Bulk archiving feature is also available. CDs with archived calls contain also a SEARCH&REPLAY software module.
This solution enables to retrieve and replay MP3 calls on any regular PC. Such a CD can be sent to the customer, who can replay these calls on his PC.
Attaining distributed recording became now a much simpler matter. In the past, the recorded calls were manually converted to standard wave files. This proved to be a slow and costly process. With the MARATHON solution, the agent that handles the claim, in case of a dispute, is able to access the calls online and directly forward the conversation to the customer via email in the form of a .wav file.
Em Foco – Empresa