404 — ‘The World of Support’ – 16th Help-Desk conference to be held 30 Apr. – 1 May in London

Jan 13, 2003 | Conteúdos Em Ingles

Leading help-desk support experts and practitioners will be debating the state of affairs of the industry at the 16th annual conference, organised by the Help Desk Institute, to be held at the Olympia Conference Centre in London.Help Desk Institute

The two-day conference will cover issues such as people management, motivation, investment in help-desk, knowledge management, service level agreements, training, e-support and network & facilities management.

Businesses like the BBC Technology, NHS Direct, IBM Global Services, Microsoft and British Standards Institute are expected to hold case studies and special sessions.

Help Desk Institute provides specialist information about technologies, tools and trends of the help desk and IT support industry, as well as customised training and certification programmes for both the individual and a site.



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