3254 — Objetivos 2005 de Biotoner

La empresa pionera en nuestro país en lo que a las aplicaciones de soluciones logísticas para la retirada selectiva de residuos procedentes de los distintos sistemas de impresión se refiere, Biotoner Sistemas Ecológicos S.L., ha presentado sus objetivos empresariales...

1709 —

Yankee Group Reveals Contact Centers Reluctant to Implement VoIP Yankee Group has announced that contact centers have been cautious in their adoption of VoIP technology. In cases where penetration has occurred, the switch has been driven solely by application needs...

1708 —

Yankee Group has today announced that contact centers have been cautious in their adoption of VoIP technology. In cases where penetration has occurred, the switch has been driven solely by application needs and, in isolated cases, reduced infrastructure costs. These...