2215 — Mainroad certificada pela Cisco

A Mainroad foi certificada Authorized Reseller da Cisco Systems. Com esta certificação, a empresa de software e integração de sistemas da SonaeCom vai usufruir de recursos e ferramentas de negócio como instrumentos e guias de venda, informação actualizada sobre novos...


WHERE ARE MY LITTLE PICTURES? Caller: I can’t find my little pictures (icons). Tech Support: What pictures? Caller: One is “my computer,” another is like “network neighbour.” Tech Support: Do you have any windows open? Caller: Yes. Tech...

717 — Babel ports PocketBabil to Symbian

Babel Technologies has announced that PocketBabil, its Text-to-Speech (TTS) solution for embedded environments, has now been ported to the Symbian environment. Specifically designed for the mobile devices market, the Symbian operating system offers am wide range of...